

Movements Grow in Arkansas

Arkansas has been labeled infertile soil for years, yet we stand here as proof that movements can, have, and will continue growing here. Against all odds we’ve made it to this point: redistributing wealth, building trans leadership, opening the first Trans community center in the state and stopping anti-trans legislation.

Against all odds we will continue building here, organizing here, growing here, healing here, here, here, HERE, in this infertile soil because our people have to carry this state sponsored violence on our skin every day. Because we don’t have the luxury to dismiss this place as a lost cause.

Trans people live here. Trans people of color live here. Trans immigrants live here. Trans disabled people live here. Trans youth live here. Trans parents live here. Trans refugees and asylum seekers live here. We live here, so our movement lives and grows here. The question is YOU. Will YOU dig into the dirt with us? Will YOU fertilize the soil with us?
Will YOU be alongside us?

A Letter from Rumba

Rumba Yambú

Director & Co-founder



Oldest Client Served

Trans Siblinghood by the Numbers

years old

Youngest Client Served

years old


Intransitive’s work evolves at the intersection of direct services and organizing. We believe that in order for our people to be politicize and mobilized their basic needs must be met first. We offer mutual aid through our emergency support funds, and through these applications we are able to assess and provide other needs such as health insurance enrollment, safer sex kits, and other harm reduction supplies. This year we supported 156 clients.

Most Pressing Needs














Clients by Region

We work to support Trans people all across Arkansas, continuing our outreach efforts in more rural regions of the state. Through our support funds we’ve been able to reach and support Trans people in rural areas where folks have often thought had Trans people.

Clients Demographics by Race/Ethnicity

Total money redistributed through the emergency support funds


The emergency support funds provide our community with financial support for securing housing, purchasing groceries, fleeing domestic/intimate partner violence, gender affirming gear, purchasing HRT, commissary, immigration process and more.

Skill Sharing Workshops

This year we held monthly skill-sharing workshops in which we empower Trans people by validating their skills and knowledge learned from lived experience and provide a platform where they are professionals. We bring them in as facilitators, provide compensation and free supplies. They then come in to offer public education to empower other Trans people.

Community Events

We held Intransitive events



community events

Reaching over





Beyond Borders

We launched our digital series “Voices Outside the Border” hosted by our movement sister Jessica Marjane from Mexico’s Trans Youth Network. The series featured Trans change makers from Colombia, Cuba and Peru.

We supported Trans poets from Latin America in launching the anthology “A Home Called Body" a collection of poems from Trans poets.

The anthology features Trans artists from:

Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, The Bahamas and Mexico.


This year on Human Rights Day we held our first annual Queertonomy Gathering.

Amazing work has, is, and will continue to happen in Arkansas! We are leaning into the endless possibilities of what we can accomplish together in defense of Body Autonomy.

We brought together change makers from across the state and across movements.

Thank you for your continuous support! We are leaning into the endless possibilities of what we can collectively create in the name of Trans Liberation.

Help us continue the work and redistribute the wealth. Become a monthly donor today.